Feedback on the LoLiPoP IoT 1st Online Dissemination Workshop

Welcome to the feedback form for the LoLiPoP IoT 1st Online Dissemination Workshop. 

Please fill in the form below to give us feedback.

If you have an account at the edacentrum or LoLiPoP IoT website, it is useful for you to login first, before you fill in the form, because your personal data will then be filled in automatically.

If you have any questions you can send an email to poppatedacentrum [dot] de.

How do you value the content of the event? (1=very bad, 10=excellent).
How do you value the organization of the event? (1=very bad, 10=excellent)
How good did the event met your expectations? (1=very bad, 10=excellent)
How good was the balance of high level and deeper dive presentations? (1=very bad, 10=excellent)
Would you join a similar future workshop? (1=definetely not, 10=yes, in any case)
What did you miss? What did we omit, where would you like more info? In what are you intetrested in?
Tell us about your suggestions for next workshops. Do you have any recommendations on synergies with other projects, initiatives, groups, etc. Where can we improve?
Hint on privacy policy